The School Library System works with a number of publishers to receive preview and review copies of books. These books are made available to the member libraries of the region as a part of the Book Preview Review Program.
Eligible libraries can use an online form request a box of 3 or more mystery books, within a set grade range, to be sent to thier library. These are preview books that are sent by publishers to garner excitement and feedback as well. The books are yours to keep and include in your collection.
In return, we share back reviews with the publishers. To maintain eligibility, you can either have students or teachers write a review on our online form for the titles you receive so that we can share this back with the publishers. One review per title or book set is sufficient.
Once we receive reviews for the titles you received, you can submit a request for a new mystery box of preview books. Requests will be fulfilled based on availability of titles in a given grade range and participation in the review process.