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Erie 2 School Library System: Overdrive

The Erie 2 School Library System site.

Regional Collection Purchasing Information

The Regional Catalog is a collection of audiobooks and ebooks made available for access to the districts of the region. The cost to access and be a part of the regional catalog is $1.00 per student. Funds are added to the Cooperative Online Informational Resources CoSer 514.516. Note: There is a 5% Coordination Fee as well for this CoSer. 
This cost gives access to all the regional catalog and the money is used collectively by participating librarians to make recommendations for resources to be added to the regional catalog. Collection building in this model is regional, as we work to build carts and make decisions as a whole.
For on-demand additions to the regional collection, districts can add funds to the CoSer beyond the $1.00 per student. Any amount put into the CoSer beyond the $1.00 will go into an Advantage Plus account that will allow districts to be able to select on their own, titles that are added to the regional collection. 
Additional detail regarding Advantage Plus funds added through the CoSer:
  • Titles will be automatically shared with the regional collection after 6 MONTHS. This means that any titles picked for the regional collection with Advantage Plus funds will be private to the district for the first six months to ensure that district students get usage before becoming part of the regional collection. After six months, they are automatically shared with the regional collection.
  • Once in the regional collection, the selecting district's students will be moved to the front of the hold queue if they want to borrow a title that is already on loan.
  • Only titles that follow the licensing model of One Copy, One User (OC/OU) or Metered Access (MA) by a time range (i.e. 12 months) will be shared with the regional collection. Any titles that are MA by number of checkouts, or a hybrid MA which is time and/or number of Checkouts, will remain private to the district and will not be shared with the regional collection. 

Overdrive Information